Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Want to Save Money?

Save Time & Money by Meal Planning

 Do you have a hard time trying to figure out what to cook for dinner each night? 
                                        Does taking a trip to the grocery store overwhelm you?

Do you want to save time & money?

  I used to jump in my car and head to the grocery store and shop for 2 weeks at a time. I never had a list, coupons, or a budget. I just bought what stood out and what I thought we needed. By the way, I also never looked in the refrigerator or cabinets to see what we already had. Can you imagine? 

  I over bought and over spent every time! I finally got to a point where I knew something had to change. 

  That is when I decided to look into ways that would help me save Time, Energy, and Money. 

These are some things I do now and have really helped:

Set a Budget: Decide how much money you want to spend each shopping trip. Always use cash, this will help you stay within budget.

Plan AheadLook at what you already have on hand. Utilize these items to plan dinners.

Meal Plan: Take a look at your calendar and plan accordingly. You may need to plan quick 
dinners during busy days. 

Coupon: Check your newspaper for weekly coupons to clip. Many times you will get some in the mail.

Store Ads: Check your local Store Ads. Plan meals according to the sales. 

Shop At Multiple Stores: It may be time consuming, however shopping at several stores will save you money. I normally shop at 3 different stores to complete my grocery haul.


  1. These are all great money savers! I used to never look through my pantry or freezer before planning my weekly menu, and would end up buying duplicates. Now, I always check before I make my grocery list! Another place I like to get coupons is online. Walgreens and Publix have digital coupons that you don't have to print. You just create an account and the coupons come off at the register. That makes them super convenient.

  2. Thanks for sharing this and the ideas. It sounds so familiar and makes me think what I can do to plan and not over shop and wasting food

  3. Thanks for sharing your insight on this.
    Please drop by and say hello!
    Harvest Lane Cottage
    ...doing what I can with what I've got where I am
    on a short shoestring budget!

  4. May I add learn how to make make items from scratch which is healthier, taste better and saves money.

  5. I live by meal planning. Not only does it save us a ton of money, it's so much healthier for us! We make everything from scratch and buy bulk which really helps too.

    1. Smart! I have really leaned a lot since meal planning.

  6. Meal planning needs to be a priority for me! Thanks for sharing your tips!!


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