Monday, February 1, 2016

What Your Teenager Wants You To Know...

 The teenage years are tough to parent through. I know this first hand! There are 19 months between my oldest daughter and son. I always said, "I would have my hands full during their teenage years." I just wasn't sure what that meant! 

 My daughter had always wanted to be with me wherever I went. We would talk about everything and anything. Oh and my son, well he had always been very calm and sweet! As long as I was in sight, everything was alright in his book.Yea! Typical mama's boy... I have always been very close to my children, especially being a Military family. When your husband deploys, it's just you and them! I have always felt like I knew my children and how to parent them up until they turned around 13 years old. Then something happened, and I felt like I didn't even know them anymore. 

 These are the years your teenager will start to pull away from you.They become more independent and start processing through life. Your teenager is trying to find their identity and may start comparing themselves to their friends.

 Our conversations started to become short, if they even felt like talking. If I asked a question, I usually got a nod or maybe a yes or no if I was lucky. They started spending a lot of their time in their rooms and the Attitude! Oh my... I thought this only happened with girls. Wrong again!

 You see nobody prepared me for the teenage years.This was all normal, however I felt like I was loosing my children. My heart ached because I didn't understand as a mother. I have only been a teenager, but I had never raised one. 

 My oldest daughter is now 17 years old and my son is 15 years old.Our relationship has changed over the years and I have learned a lot. I encourage you to get to know your child as a teenager. They may just teach you a thing or two! Here are some things I have learned along the way:

1. Your teenager loves you very much, even if they don't always show it!

2. They need you more then you know during these years. 

3. Sometimes, they just want you to listen. You don't always have to give advise.

4. Teenagers have bad days too!

5. They will make mistakes, that is how they learn.

6.  Your teenager wants to be accepted!

7. Teenagers need space.

8. You need to be an example to your teen. They are always watching you!

9. Share your Faith with them. 

10. Pray & Trust the Lord! 



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