Friday, April 22, 2016

Missing The Small Moments?

  Recently, I was out on a prayer walk. I tend to take the same path every time. I usually am pressed for time, so I walk around the neighborhood and hurry to get back home. This day was different, God asked me to keep walking. So, I did and prayed throughout my walk.

 Only this time, I noticed these little purple and yellow flowers that I had never seen before. I kept thinking how did I miss these beautiful small flowers? Am I so much in a hurry, that I don't take the time to notice what is around me?

 All of a sudden, I felt this guilt and wondered what else I had been missing. That's when God said to me, " Your so busy looking for the bigger things in life, that your missing the small things."

 Remember the other day, when the principal at your son's school said " He was so proud that your son approached him about a situation, that is what he has been waiting for. It showed a sign of maturity. That was huge progress, and you missed it. Your right God, I did!

 It's so easy to get caught up searching for the bigger things, that we miss the small blessings in life.

 I want to be mindful daily and not take anything for granted. Especially, the small blessings that God has given me.

 I am choosing not to rush through the days trying to achieve something that is already there. Friends, It's not about the bigger things in life. God has given us everything we need. Embrace the small moments in life! We can get so caught up in the next thing, that we miss what is right in front of us.

 I encourage you to slow down and be mindful of your life. What are some small moments in your day that you are THANKFUL for?





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