Friday, June 10, 2016

Do You Want To Be Committed To Your Marriage?

 This past weekend my husband and I went on our First Marriage Retreat! 3 whole days of Hearing God's Word, Fellowship, and Alone Time with my favorite guy. 

 This was the third time we have actually been able to get away without our children in 17 years. It's hard being away from our family. Thankfully, my brother lives close by us now and he is able to stay with the kids! We are so Thankful.

 The Marriage Retreat was a time to invest in our Marriage, connect with God, and Each Other. As parents, we get so caught up in our children. It's hard to take a step back and focus on each other. 

 I have struggled a lot with this personally. For those who know me, I really take Parenting to Heart. My kids mean so much to me. Not to say that my husband doesn't. I just seemed to find myself giving more to our children than anything or anyone else.

 Over the last year, God has been walking me through my priorities. I have realized that when my Priorities are aligned with God's word, everything seems to balance out. It hasn't been easy because I was pretty set in my ways. However, if God Brings you to it, He will Bring you through it.

 It is so important to invest in your marriage, no matter what season you are in. I know what your thinking, "but I have small kids, you don't understand".. I do! I'm not saying you have to attend a Marriage Retreat, but even if its 20 minutes a day of really focusing on your Spouse. It can make all the difference. Honestly, something that was said over and over at the Retreat was " We need to learn to Die to ourselves, and Deny our Flesh in order to put our spouse First.

 Are you willing to take that First step? Are you willing to invest and be committed in your Marriage? 

 As a wife, I pray that you would ask God into your marriage and that he would help you take the steps needed in order to live out his purpose for your marriage.

 You know, I'm so glad we made the choice to go to the Retreat! We laughed, cried, and we were so full of Joy when we cam home to our children.

"The BEST Thing You Can Do For Your Children Is Be Committed To Their Father!"         


  1. Tara-Lyn, you speak wisdom. We are fans of marriage retreats and try to attend one every couple of years as they pop up. It helps us to re-calibrate!

  2. This is an important message. My parents called them "little honeymoons." Their happy marriage's influence was important to my own. Now it delights me to see my daughters make time for their own "little honeymoons."

    1. Awe! It is so important.. I can't wait to see my children pour into their Marriages.

  3. Learning lessons for my future life. :)
    Thank you and enjoy your weekend.


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